Welcome to leadsworlds
My name Vishwanath Last 10 Year i am doing B2B Marketing all types domestic and international products , we generate genuine Product Seller or Buyer leads ,we are collecting the information of all leading companies products and conveying the same to the proper agencies we are having our data base
We take the responsibility to bring them closer as mediator Indian Govt. Supporting to the manufactures for export of Indian products but many time the manufactures do not know about the proper channels of import and export and also the request prices and profitability any manufactures knows only their production and quality they unable to market their product and the profitable prices in this matter our part gives them the proper help yes we do help those who need.
Already we are having up to 25000 manufactures Trader and buyer and also abroad to whom our helping hands are required we also them who interests to export import their quality products in this connection we charge simply a nominal charge as a commission , we generate genuine leads all types products
please do not hesitate to contact us